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515 East Las Olas Blvd, Suite 120
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

ADR Directory

About specializes in creating accurate, attention-grabbing business information exclusively for the ADR Community that will help mediators stand out from the crowd. Advantages of working with are, we’re an exact match domain, with custom profiles that have Video embedding. There’s no cost for the first 6 months, an opportunity to add robust content to satisfy viewers, and an opportunity to collect reviewslmost every state.

Reviews & Testimonials


Hilary Mofsowitz
I used the services of Jeff Spanier to assist me in marketing my ADR practice. I found him to be highly professional and efficient with an excellent support team. He was extremely supportive, understood my needs and gave me very useful advice. He went the extra mile to ensure that I was happy with the service and provided great feedback throughout the process. I highly recommend him and give him and his business a five-star rating.

Google Reviews