Michelle MacDonald at MacDonald Law Firm

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1069 S Robert St, West St Paul,
Minnesota 55118


“Our law firm is built on relationships that grow by getting to know our clients and their unique legal needs.”

Michelle MacDonald, JD, founded MacDonald Law Firm, LLC. Michelle is recognized as one of the most skilled and knowledgeable attorneys, concentrating in the areas of Family Law, Divorce, Paternity, Adoption, Estate Planning, and Probate, including Civil Litigation and Appeals.

Reviews & Testimonials


Gregory E Stene
Michelle and her associates have always done an outstanding job for me. My relationship with my daughter, and her life would be vastly different if it wasn't for Michelle McDonald.

Brad Armentrout
Hi Michelle! We thank you for being with us in a dark time. Unfortunately, the oppressors blame-shifted and complained about us. At the end of the day, after $35,000 expended, Olmstead courts were unwilling to enforce their own Orders. I haven't seen my daughter in 2 1/2 years. Judge Queen decided that no Orders before the Court would stand, ironically because, 'they wanted to ensure that all courts in Minnesota behaved the same.' Ordered visitation and counseling was jettisoned because Mom said so. I would be much less concerned if it didn't involve my kids. The Judicial system we have is inappropriate for family turmoil. Mental health issues elude the court system. But how can we persuade a majority to chuck the system that has allowed them all to become so rich?

Rich Marek
Intelligent and caring, Michelle puts power back into the hands of people, instead of the legal system.

Lyle Metty
Very satisfied with their service.

Pat Romanowski
Expert, effective, efficient, expedient legal support! I definitely recommend Michelle's law firm to others.

Krikor Mokhtarian
Veey impressive attorney. Quick study and excellent response.

Alicia Adams
Michelle is a fountain of knowledge, full of understanding and guidance.

Berta D Evans
Super Law Firm.

Lamont Fondern
We as people always find a way to judge someone based on experience or rumors. If we just took the time to get to know someone like Michelle we would understand she is for the people.

Lamont Fondern
We as people always find a way to judge someone based on experience or rumors. If we just took the time to get to know someone like Michelle we would understand she is for the people.

thomas shimota
Excellent service and care

Mary Smisek
Thank you for all your great work! May God bless you and your family! The Smisek Family

Barbara Herr
Five stars and more belong to this woman on her professionalism, integrity, and kindness. She has been my rock, and it is this kind of lawyer that the court system needs more of. We need to get her back doing what she does best......working for the people

Google Reviews

MacDonald Law Firm
Based on 9 reviews
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Greg Stene
Greg Stene
22:10 14 Sep 21
Michelle and her associates have always done an outstanding job for me. My relationship with my daughter, and her life... would be vastly different if it wasn't for Michelle McDonaldread more
Lindsey Thompson
Lindsey Thompson
19:02 18 Apr 21
Michelle L MacDonald would make a wonderful addition to the fairness of the United States Surpreme Court Justice System... in 2022 For the State of Minnesota; She is Very Knowlegeable as well as Personable & also kind.read more
Stephanie Macdon
Stephanie Macdon
17:03 02 Nov 17
The legal system is such a blur I am glad Michelle and her team could guide me thru my case and keep things in plain... English I highly recommend this office for any case and questions needed answersread more
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